Made it through another “first” this morning. Had biscuits and gravy without Joe. Doesn’t seem like much of a first, but it is. I dreamed about Joe last night, second time I have since he went to be with Jesus. I woke up craving biscuits and gravy, one of his favorite meals no matter what time of the day. So I made it. It’s hard to cook when you can’t see what you’re cooking. And it’s even harder to eat when your nose won’t quit running. I know, TMI, gross. Sorry, it is what it is.

    I remember the first time I went grocery shopping after J.R. went to be with Jesus, 25 years ago. It’s like yesterday. I was doing okay until I got into the cereal aisle. You see, cereal was one of J.R.’s favorite meals, no matter what time of the day. He had it for breakfast, after school snack, and bedtime snack. He would have had it for dinner if I’d let him. And he didn’t use a cereal bowl, he used a mashed potato serving bowl. He ate a third of a box at each sitting. He LOVED cereal. I would buy about 6 or 8 different boxes every time I went to the grocery store. It was like Christmas for him when he got to go with me to the store and pick out the cereals himself. Anyway, when I got in that cereal aisle 25 years ago, I lost it. Ugly, snot running down your face, sobbing out loud, lost it. Ashamed to admit it, but I left my cart right where it was and ran out the store. Sat in my car and cried until I couldn’t anymore, cleaned my face up, and drove home. Joe went back to the store with me a few days later and helped me get the groceries. We didn’t buy any cereal, didn’t go down the aisle, we did without it for a while.

    I’ve made it through a few “firsts” this year already. The hardest being November 7, which was Joe’s birthday, our 40th wedding anniversary and Joey’s birthday. We always celebrated together with Joey and his family. So many memories. It was hard to celebrate without him this year, but we did it, and in grand fashion.

    We’ve all been going through a “first” this year with the restrictions imposed on our lives by COVID-19. It’s been a rough year! It’s been a frustrating year! It’s been a heartbreaking year for some. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Only God. So we must press on toward the goal and not lose hope. There’ll be a brighter day.

    Grandpa Johnston, Daddy and Joe all loved biscuits and gravy. I made it for all of them many times. I sure wish they could have been here this morning to have some with me.

“…Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13,14 NIV

“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” Psalms 31:24 KJV

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

John 14:1-3 KJV

PS  Excuse the casual china, dishwasher is broken, waiting on new one to arrive.